Jacobs Monarch

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Under the direction of Klaus Johann Jacobs, who took over the company in 1970, Jacobs expanded into other fields. It merged with the Swiss chocolate company Interfood in 1982 to form Jacobs Suchard, and bought the American Brach's Candy in 1987, among other purchases. Jacobs Suchard, with the exception of Brach's and Interfood, was sold to Kraft Foods in 1990. During the 1970s until 1990s it was produced by Jacob's in Ireland.
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Under the direction of Klaus Johann Jacobs, who took over the company in 1970, Jacobs expanded into other fields. It merged with the Swiss chocolate company Interfood in 1982 to form Jacobs Suchard, and bought the American Brach's Candy in 1987, among other purchases. Jacobs Suchard, with the exception of Brach's and Interfood, was sold to Kraft Foods in 1990. During the 1970s until 1990s it was produced by Jacob's in Ireland.

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